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Carolina Cup 2014: A Day At The Races
Carolina Cup flyer

If you ask any member of a Greek organization in just about any Carolina school if they are going to Carolina Cup, chances are they’ll say, “of course!”

Carolina Cup, the premier event of the spring semester for Carolina college students, and a time honored South Carolina tradition, returns Saturday, March 29th in Camden, S.C.

“I assume there are some people who go to the races to see who actually wins and I’m sure there is some form of gambling,” said Joseph DelGuercio, an HPU senior and three time Carolina Cup attendee.  “But for me, the goal is to spend a sunny Saturday with good friends and good food and soak in the Southern culture.”

This annual race draws over 60,000 fans from throughout the Carolinas, to enjoy the exhilarating sport of steeplechase horse racing amongst a whirlwind of spring fashions and sophisticated tailgate parties.  This event is described by some as one of the most Southern things that happens in South Carolina.

“Freshman year, after joining a fraternity and hearing the older brothers talk about Carolina Cup in the past years,” DelGuercio said. “I knew I had to join the fun and get a ticket.  After getting wardrobe advice, and buying more food and drink than we needed, we were all ready for a good time.”

Camden, South Carolina where Carolina Cup is held every year is a very quiet small town that has become a lovely place to visit and spend a few days.  There are many historic sites to visit, but traditionally, Camden is all about horses, something that the town is so rich with history about.

From the beginning, the old race course was purchased by Henry Kirkover and Ernest Woodward two gentleman from upstate New York with a common interest in horses, who then renamed it Springdale and sold it years later to Mrs. Ambrose Clark.  Following to her death the race course was bought by Marion du Pont Scott.

Mid race during last years annual Carolina Cup
Photo cred: Delta Sky Magazine

It was known that Mrs. Scott bred, owned and was quite passionate about horses all of her life.  Besides the race course in Camden she had a horse farm in Virginia.  She had bred and trained some of the most remarkable winners of the Carolina Cup as well as a horse who was trained in Camden and then was sent across the pond to win the Grand National at Aintree, England.  A feat not so easily won.

After Mrs. Scott died, she deeded the Springdale Race Course to the state of South Carolina with the request that the land remain solely for equine use.  Along with that, she also left a million dollar endowment.  For the course it was a wonderful gesture that was not ever forgotten.

Springdale Race Course can be found just on the outskirts of town, and hosts two of the most important steeplechases every year.  The tremendously popular Carolina Cup in the spring and the esteemed Colonial Cup in the fall.  Though Camden is such a small town, more than 60,000 people show up every year and have a wonderful time at the races. 

 From the Hospitality Terrace to College Park, no matter where you are, as long as you're at Carolina Cup on Saturday, March 29th, fun times are to be had by all during an afternoon filled with six races, good food and good friends.

What: Carolina Cup 
Where: Springdale Race Course, 200 Knights Hill Road, Camden, South Carolina
When: Saturday, March 29, 2024
Tickets: $90

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