One thing I discovered upon moving to North Carolina is Bojangles. Talk about AMAZING. I eat it way to much for my own good. However, I'll always choose bagels over biscuits and football over ACC basketball. When it comes to snow, I mean, come on I'm from the north one inch of snow is nothing to me. I remember every winter at least getting a foot every once and a while but hey, one inch of snow here and they close everything down? I'll take it.
Looking at this list, I would absolutely love to visit the Grove Park Inn during gingerbread house season, I would love to drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the leaves changes beautifully during the fall, and Christmas Town USA? I need to go there as soon as possible.
Without a doubt there's so much more I have yet to experience living in beautiful North Carolina, but living in Charlotte and soon to be moving to Wilmington, I can only imagine what else this state, and the south in general, has to offer and I can't wait to share my experiences.
"Because it’s home, and even with some of the more backwards aspects of it at times, it truly is fantastic and beautiful and has the best people ever."
So here’s to you, North Carolina. Thanks for being awesome.
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